Notes on Math 375: Topics in Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra
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Lecture and Homework Schedule
Calculus, Volume II, 2nd Edition, by Tom M. Apostol
All notes from September in PDF format
Midterm 1 Practice
All notes from October in PDF format
Midterm 2 Practice 1
Midterm 2 Practice 2
All notes from November in PDF format
Matrix Algebra Review
Lecture Outlines
Chapter 1: Linear Spaces
Week 01 - 9/7: Vector Space
Week 02 - 9/12: Proof Writing
Week 02 - 9/14: Subspace, Span of Vector Spaces, Linear Independence
Week 03 - 9/19: Linear Independence, Basis, Coordinates
Week 03 - 9/21: Theorems about Linear Dependence
Week 04 - 9/26: Inner Product, Length, Angle
Week 04 - 9/28: Distance, Triangle Inequality, Orthogonal, Gramm-Schmidt Process
Week 05 - 10/3: Midterm 1
Week 05 - 10/5: Best Approximation, Fourier Series
Chapter 2: Linear Transformations and Matrices
Week 06 - 10/10: Linear Transformations, Solving Systems of Equations
Week 06 - 10/12: Injective, Null Space, Range, Rank-Nullity Theorem
Week 07 - 10/17: Algebraic Operations on Linear Transformations, Injective, Inverse
Week 07 - 10/19: Matrix Representation of Linear Transformations, Matrix Multiplication
Week 08 - 10/24: Isomorphism Between Linear Transformations and Matrices, Solving Linear Equations using Matrix
Week 08 - 10/26: Solving Linear Equations
Chapter 3: Determinants
Week 09 - 10/31: Determinants
Week 09 - 11/2: Uniqueness Theorem, Properties of Determinants
Week 10 - 11/7: Determinant and Area, Inverse of Matrix, Minors and Cofactors
Week 10 - 11/9: Cofactor Expansion, Cramer's Rule, Linear Independence and Determinant
Chapter 4: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Week 11 - 11/14: Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors
Week 11 - 11/16: Midterm 2
Week 12 - 11/21: Characteristic Polynomial, Trace, Diagonalization
Week 12 - 11/23: Thanksgiving Break
Chapter 8: Differential Calculus of Scalar and Vector Fields
Week 13 - 11/28: Open Balls, Limits, Continuity, Directional Derivative
Week 13 - 11/30: Partial Derivative, Total Derivative, Linear Approximation Formula
Week 14 - 12/5: Differentiable, Total Derivative, Continuity, Multivariable Chain Rule
Week 14 - 12/7: Differentiable, Chain Rule, Gradient, Level Sets
Week 15 - 12/12: Multivariable Chain Rule, Jacobian Matrix